Diplômes: Bachelor of Social Work
Première année d'exercice:
Langues de travail:
Spécialisations cliniques:
Maladie phys. aiguë/chronique
Deuil/Évén. traumat./Perte
Santé mentale/Toxicomanie
Spécialisations non cliniques:
Groupes d'âge desservis:
personnes âgées
Formation spécialisée:
No waitlist. Low-cost sessions offered. Are you someone who hasn't felt like yourself in a long time? Do you feel like you're suffering from past traumas or experiences that keep you from being kind to yourself? Are you hanging on to resentment towards a narcissist who manipulated you and made you feel like there was something wrong with you? Are you struggling with pain or chronic illness and feeling like your body is betraying you? Do you feel like you don't have a hold of your life and like things will never get better?
I have experience working with many clients navigating a variety of struggles such as past trauma, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, coping skills, self-esteem and much more. Choosing the right counsellor is so important and I look forward to working with you if you feel I'm the right fit to help you become your best version of you
Déclaration personnelle:
As a holistic counsellor I am passionate about helping you work on yourself as a whole, to become the best version of yourself you can be. Working from a client-centered approach we will work together to identify and meet your goals. As a general counsellor I have worked with a wide range of individuals from children up to adults and elderly.