Diplômes: Bachelor of Arts, Major in Psychology, Minor in Educational Psychology and French; Master of Social Work focus on children and youth
Première année d'exercice:
Langues de travail:
Spécialisations cliniques:
Deuil/Évén. traumat./Perte
Santé mentale/Toxicomanie
Spécialisations non cliniques:
Consultation/Facilitation sociale
Supervision/Consultation de pairs
Formation/Perfectionn. du personnel
Ateliers /Séminaires
Groupes d'âge desservis:
Formation spécialisée:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Family Therapy, Learning Disabilities, Grief Support, School issues, Bullying, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness, Solution Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy.
Déclaration personnelle:
Alyse offers children/adolescents and their families a therapeutic environment that fosters creativity. Alyse utilizes the client's unique skills, strengths and talents to encourage self-expression. Everyone has the ability to resolve his/her own struggles and therapy is about unlocking the unique potential to do so. Alyse's primary clinical goal is to improve family functioning through self-expression and improved communication.